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                Location£º Home > Products > Company News

                Women In Trucking Association Announces Continued Partnership with Bendix.

                Date£º2018/5/15 15:07:13

                Women In Trucking Association Announces Continued Partnership with Bendix. This release applies to women, trucking, transportation, logistics, supply chain, gender diversity, nonprofit, leadership, partnership.

                Since 2011, Bendix has supported WIT at the Gold Level. In addition to providing financial support, the company actively participates in the association. Since becoming a Gold Level partner, Andreea Raaber, Vice President ¨C New Business Development, served on the WIT Board of Directors. This year, following Ms. Raaber¡¯s retirement, Kathleen Rice Coleman, Regional Key Account Manager, will represent Bendix on the board.

                ¡°New technologies and new opportunities surface every day in our industry,¡± said Berend Bracht, Bendix President & CEO. ¡°Women In Trucking provides one of the critical forums to promote the involvement, engagement, and continued growth of females in the commercial vehicle marketplace, while helping to address key issues affecting us all. We¡¯re proud to continue our ongoing support.¡±

                ¡°We¡¯ve made remarkable progress in our efforts to engage more women at all levels in the industry,¡± said Ellen Voie, WIT president and CEO. ¡°We¡¯re grateful for our partnership with Bendix that allows us to continue to make advancement possible.¡±

                Over the past decade, WIT has been committed to elevating the issue of gender diversity in transportation and logistics. WIT¡¯s annual Accelerate! Conference and Expo, a weekly SiriusXM radio show called Women In Trucking, the creation of a Canadian Image Team, and a new trucker doll, Clare, who empowers girls to consider a career in transportation, are just a few examples of recent initiatives that are helping the nonprofit organization achieve its mission.

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