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                1. Are you a trading company or a factory?  --- We are factory, we produce, we sale. Both foreign customers and trading companies are our customers!

                2. What kind of brake pads does your company mainly produce?  --- Both CV braks pads and PV brake pads. For CV brake pads, we have more than 40 moldings which cover almost all the codes on market. For passenger car brake pads, our moldings  can cover over one thousand codes of brake pads, almost all the pads on the market we can supply.

                3. Could you send me a catalogue and price list?   ---- Please send your inquiry to our sales department, it would be our pleasure to send you quotation along with details. Inquiry with code number would be highly appreciated, it can also improve the communicating efficiency between us. We will quote based on your request such as code, quantity, formula, accessories(shim, sensor and thickness of back plate etc.)

                 4. What is your minimum order?  ---- MOQ:100 sets (for some special codes, 60sets is workable, please contact with salesman)

                5. I worry about your quality? ---- Please check the certificates of AMECA, LINK test standard, ISO:16949 and test reports of products in the ''CERTIFICATES'' on our website. Besides international business, we also produce our own brand "Duorina" in domestic market. Our quality has been tested and proved by Chinese market for many years. All the feedback from customers and our distributors are excellent!

                6. Can we get a discount about the price?  ---- Please contact with our sales department for further information.

                7. Can we customize the packaging of our own brand? ----Customized packing is available, we have made soma packaging plan for our customers from Iraq,South Africa,South American, Dubai and Russian and so on. Please contact salesman to get the detail photos and quotation.

                8. Below MOQ, what kind of packaging can be provided? ----Neutral packing and our brand packing are available if under MOQ.

                9. Can you help me to design the packing?    ---- We have design team, we can supply design service if the order no. meets request.

                10. I paid the full payment ,what if i am not satisfied with the quality after receiving the brake pads ?  ---- We have after-sales department, we will take the responsibility due to quality problem after proper test procedures.

                11. Can you give me ...pcs per code??----Basically, we are willing to grow up with customers, please contact with salesman for details.

                12. I need samples to test your quality. ---- Free sample is available based on certain order quantity. Customers need to pay for the delivery charge only.

                13. I still worry, can you offer more sense of security? ----We understand your worry and concern, please feel free to ask any information you need. We are tangible, we locates in one of the top four brake pads manufacturing bases-Shandong province, also the nearest city to Qingdao port-Pingdu. We have mature sales and after-sales team, formula experts, R&D team, full test system. We have participated many exhibitions all over the world . We will continue work on opening our global market, looking forward to the wonderful meeting with you in this journey. 

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                Qingdao Henghua Machinery Technology CO., LTD. 鲁ICP备14026466号 ·