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                About us

                about us

                Qingdao Henghua Machinery Technology CO., LTD was established in 2012. It locates in Xibaisha Industrial Park which has a superior geographical position and convenient transportation. With a location near S218 provincial road, it is 60 kilometers away from Qingdao airport and 80 kilometers away from Qingdao port. Our company covers an area of more than 100 mu. With a registered capital of RMB 20 million, our company has obtained self-support import and export right.

                Our company is a professional enterprise which researches, produces and sells auto brake pads. It has abundant technical force and advanced production equipments. It designs 6 dedicated production lines; each of them has an annual capacity of more than 1 million sets. Our products cover all the models and their quality has reached European and American professional standards. Our market covers many countries and regions, such as America, European, Central Asia and Africa.

                Absorbing and using domestic and foreign advanced technology experience and management mode, our company researches, develops and produces leading brake pads step by step. We try hard to make our products be famous brand and make our company have a leading position.

                Our tenet is best products and best services. With stronger momentum and more perfect services, our company will provide a broader cooperation space for the new and old customers. 

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                Qingdao Henghua Machinery Technology CO., LTD. ³ICP±¸14026466ºÅ ¡¤