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                products center


                Category:CV   Date:2018/3/21 10:27:38   View:

                Specifically engineered to meet the rigorous demands of today’s commercial vehicle braking systems, Henghua Commercial Vehicles brake pads provide the ultimate in quality, safety, and superior braking comfort.Our premium CV brake pads are made from original equipment (OE) quality raw materials, perfectly designed to meet the needs of every type of commercial vehicles, under alltemperatures and conditions.

                Our Commercial Vehicle brake pads are manufactured using the latest innovation and technology. From light commercial to heavy-duty and off-highway vehicles, our premium friction material formulation delivers outstanding durability and reduced wear that meets or exceeds OE manufacturer requirement. Manufactured with a host of the most up to date technology, you can count on us to provide your commercial vehicles with safe and effective braking every time.






                MAIN FEATURES:

                .Offer longer brake life and reduce disc wear

                .Provide superior braking in all temperatures  and conditions

                .Features a minimum brake - in and bedding-in  period

                .Optimizes the complete braking system

                .Delivers ultra-quiet, smooth braking performance

                .Ensures optimal control and shorter stopping distance

                .Meets or exceeds OE standards

                .100% asbestos-free formulation




                1.  Advanced material system. we have material suitable to different road condition and vehicle models.

                2.  Advanced producing and test equipment, to assure our quality conformity and consistency.

                3. We produce aftermarket brake pads with same strict standard and control as OE level.

                4. Perfect balance between performance and durability for both OE sector and the aftermarket.


                BACK PLATE AVAILABLE:




                Plastic film +neutral or OEM or DUORINA box+neutral or OEM or DUORINA ctn+pallet.





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                Qingdao Henghua Machinery Technology CO., LTD. 鲁ICP备14026466号 ·